The Naturist Century
The heart of the global naturist movement, as you know, the International Naturist Federation, is holding its congress in the Croatian coastal town of Rovinj in August, now just three months away.
The issue at the top of the agenda is nothing less than the future of naturism. That sounds as if there’s a problem, as if naturism is being threatened, and naturists are a dying breed. Is it?
There are problems, one has to be honest enough to admit it. And the main problem in the West is the same as in Western society as large: ageing. Members of naturist groups are getting older. And not enough younger people are joining the naturist clubs. Why is that?
The ageing of the population at large is just one element here. The strange thing is that more open and liberal attitudes toward public nudity are also damaging the naturist movement. Why?
Well, if there are more and more free beaches – beaches where you can sunbathe and swim nude – where you don’t have to pay to go to, why would you still spend money to join a club? In this way, more acceptance of naturism is also threatening the survival of organized naturism. When people want to save money, they just stay away from clubs and organizations and seek a small space on their own to live their version of naturism.
The task of naturist organizations – and you’ll remember I’ll told you in previous postings that the members of the INF are national associations of naturist groups – is to make the organized movement attractive again to the average individuals and families.
I believe the international naturist movement should come up with a programme, a charter, a manifesto that tells the world how it wants naturism to develop in the future, a manifesto that says what kind of naturism it wants to see in what kind of world.
If the international naturist movement can put its aims into a document, that will have a galvanizing effect, it will serve as a concrete plan to realize, and it will also serve as a powerful promotional tool, telling the world what naturism is and what its aims are.
Economists often say the 21st century will be the century of China, or the century of India, I firmly believe we should be able to say that the 21st century will also be the Naturist Century. And an official manifesto would help a long way with that.
The heart of the global naturist movement, as you know, the International Naturist Federation, is holding its congress in the Croatian coastal town of Rovinj in August, now just three months away.
The issue at the top of the agenda is nothing less than the future of naturism. That sounds as if there’s a problem, as if naturism is being threatened, and naturists are a dying breed. Is it?
There are problems, one has to be honest enough to admit it. And the main problem in the West is the same as in Western society as large: ageing. Members of naturist groups are getting older. And not enough younger people are joining the naturist clubs. Why is that?
The ageing of the population at large is just one element here. The strange thing is that more open and liberal attitudes toward public nudity are also damaging the naturist movement. Why?
Well, if there are more and more free beaches – beaches where you can sunbathe and swim nude – where you don’t have to pay to go to, why would you still spend money to join a club? In this way, more acceptance of naturism is also threatening the survival of organized naturism. When people want to save money, they just stay away from clubs and organizations and seek a small space on their own to live their version of naturism.
The task of naturist organizations – and you’ll remember I’ll told you in previous postings that the members of the INF are national associations of naturist groups – is to make the organized movement attractive again to the average individuals and families.
I believe the international naturist movement should come up with a programme, a charter, a manifesto that tells the world how it wants naturism to develop in the future, a manifesto that says what kind of naturism it wants to see in what kind of world.
If the international naturist movement can put its aims into a document, that will have a galvanizing effect, it will serve as a concrete plan to realize, and it will also serve as a powerful promotional tool, telling the world what naturism is and what its aims are.
Economists often say the 21st century will be the century of China, or the century of India, I firmly believe we should be able to say that the 21st century will also be the Naturist Century. And an official manifesto would help a long way with that.