Nude or Rude?
Naturism and nudity in general have finally reached Taiwan’s top forum for expats, One poster put up a poll about nudity in the thread under the heading “nude is rude?”
Of the 55 respondents the last time I looked, 37 (or 67 percent) said we were all born naked, and nudity was non-sexual. Only a total of 7 respondents (12 percent) disagreed, saying bodies should be kept covered.
Those preliminary results clearly shows that the basic principles of naturism are accepted by a wide group of people, mostly from the West. The poll didn’t give a breakdown of the nationalities or regions of origin of the participants, but since this is a forum for expats, most of them hailing from North America, Western Europe, South Africa, Australia, we can safely guess that they reflect typical Western opinions.
One of the topics raised by some posters on the forum was breastfeeding. According to one of them, even women in Middle Eastern countries where top-to-bottom clothing is required for women do not hesitate to give children the breast in public places. An interesting detail I didn’t know about, since I have never lived in a Muslim country. While East Asian mores are generally conservative, it shows that even conservative religions do not have an absolute ban on nudity if and when it is practical.
The forum debate also dealt with whether nudity is always sexual or not. Again, the majority agreed with the naturist view that nudity is natural and not necessarily sexual. One poster argued that if a woman were naked, men would always look at her in a sexual way, but another poster countered that a completely dressed woman could also face such looks.
All in all, the debate on the forum contributed to the spread of naturist ideas without explicitly aiming to do so, and that is a good thing. The next step would be opening a similar debate on a Chinese-language or any other local-language Internet site in the region.
Of the 55 respondents the last time I looked, 37 (or 67 percent) said we were all born naked, and nudity was non-sexual. Only a total of 7 respondents (12 percent) disagreed, saying bodies should be kept covered.
Those preliminary results clearly shows that the basic principles of naturism are accepted by a wide group of people, mostly from the West. The poll didn’t give a breakdown of the nationalities or regions of origin of the participants, but since this is a forum for expats, most of them hailing from North America, Western Europe, South Africa, Australia, we can safely guess that they reflect typical Western opinions.
One of the topics raised by some posters on the forum was breastfeeding. According to one of them, even women in Middle Eastern countries where top-to-bottom clothing is required for women do not hesitate to give children the breast in public places. An interesting detail I didn’t know about, since I have never lived in a Muslim country. While East Asian mores are generally conservative, it shows that even conservative religions do not have an absolute ban on nudity if and when it is practical.
The forum debate also dealt with whether nudity is always sexual or not. Again, the majority agreed with the naturist view that nudity is natural and not necessarily sexual. One poster argued that if a woman were naked, men would always look at her in a sexual way, but another poster countered that a completely dressed woman could also face such looks.
All in all, the debate on the forum contributed to the spread of naturist ideas without explicitly aiming to do so, and that is a good thing. The next step would be opening a similar debate on a Chinese-language or any other local-language Internet site in the region.