Naturist 2006
The New Year is almost here, and the main event on the international naturist scene will be biennial world congress of the International Naturist Federation, now scheduled for September on Spain's east coast.
While I'm still not sure whether I'll be able to attend, I need to focus on shorter-term priorities. There are several possibilities here. I can do what I discussed in one of my previous postings, get on with the formation of a group for foreign naturists in Taiwan, a Taiwan International Naturist Association or TINA.
Another way to promote naturism to the Taiwanese public I thought about, is more indirect, but could eventually be more effective: publish a book which introduces naturism in an indirect way. The best way would be a picture book about Croatia, in which the story of my last holiday there in 2004 comes first, but which would also include the naturist parts, i.e. my visits to a naturist beach on the Red Island near Rovinj, and my stay at the Valalta resort for the 2004 INF World Congress. This book would be a picture travelogue first - as there are many now on the Taiwanese book market, about Spain, Turkey, Rajasthan, etc. - but would include a strong naturist component, as an introduction for readers unfamiliar with the movement. My proposal for such a book is already with a publisher here in Taiwan, but I'll have to see if anyone bites.
While I hope for a positive naturist 2006 in Asia, all I can do is wish you a happy naturist 2006 as well.
While I'm still not sure whether I'll be able to attend, I need to focus on shorter-term priorities. There are several possibilities here. I can do what I discussed in one of my previous postings, get on with the formation of a group for foreign naturists in Taiwan, a Taiwan International Naturist Association or TINA.
Another way to promote naturism to the Taiwanese public I thought about, is more indirect, but could eventually be more effective: publish a book which introduces naturism in an indirect way. The best way would be a picture book about Croatia, in which the story of my last holiday there in 2004 comes first, but which would also include the naturist parts, i.e. my visits to a naturist beach on the Red Island near Rovinj, and my stay at the Valalta resort for the 2004 INF World Congress. This book would be a picture travelogue first - as there are many now on the Taiwanese book market, about Spain, Turkey, Rajasthan, etc. - but would include a strong naturist component, as an introduction for readers unfamiliar with the movement. My proposal for such a book is already with a publisher here in Taiwan, but I'll have to see if anyone bites.
While I hope for a positive naturist 2006 in Asia, all I can do is wish you a happy naturist 2006 as well.