Paypal or Ignorance Online
Talk about ignorance.
Famous Internet payment website Paypal dropped the account of Canada's official naturist group the FCN because it considered the organization's magazine as 'pornography.'
That action is blatantly stupid for two main reasons.
First of all, anyone who looks through the average naturist magazine or book can tell this is not pornography. Yes, there are pictures of naked people. But those are people in normal, everyday-life poses. Walking along the beach, relaxing in a pool, doing sports, sunbathing. Things every one does, with or without clothing. A naturist magazine is the last place you will be looking for to find pictures of sexually enticing behavior.
But apparently, Paypal is too dumb to do that or too dumb to actually look at the magazines. They probably just saw a naked person on the cover - as you can see on the covers here of the official International Naturist Federation yearbooks - and reasoned that there must be pornography inside.
It's also ignorant for a second reason. Paypal is one in the long list of companies that grew up after and thanks to the Internet revolution. Think Yahoo!, E-Bay, Google, Amazon. All top global companies with a huge presence on the Web. Companies which represent new thinking and breakthroughs in the way we live. That a company like that - and we're talking about Paypal - can be so stupid in 2008 as to confuse naturism with pornography is beyond belief. Are those the people who are at the forefront of high-tech living and modern lifestyles?