Taiwan Naturist Group Revealed by Media

Last week, that moment came again when weekly magazine Next revealed the existence of an Internet-based naturist group which held nude events at motels around the country.
The two originators are a couple of 30-something engineers in Taiwan's world-class electronics industry who also find time to run a naturist blog. Next sent a reporting team over to one of the couple's latest nude days, held at a motel inside a technology zone equipped with a swimming pool and a karaoke lounge.
As is the case in most of these Taiwanese media reports, the magazine emphasized the diversity of the public at a naturist event.
Next introduced a former radio DJ who gave up his career to live in the green Ilan countryside, where he was able to work the land and water the flowers completely naked with hardly any interference from neighboring farmers. Another participant was a police officer who first discovered naturism when he infiltrated a nudist group looking for prostitution. Instead of crime, he found a new lifestyle which he liked so much his wife also joined in. Another participant in the latest nude day was a 50-something man whose wife however was too suspicious of his activities to let him join alone. She was present at the nude day, but stayed dressed and separate in order to 'supervise' her husband.
The Next team interviewed the organizers, known as Rong-rong and A-Wan. They used to join other nudist groups before they launched their own. They meet potential new members through their blog - the site URL follows further down - and screen them, i.e. they set up a face-to-face meeting with the person requesting membership. Anyone showing improper behavior is refused further participation. The Next team noted no improprieties, though it showed concern for a woman member - the police officer's wife - who had drunk too much and attracted too much attention from single male participants.
The latest group of naturists first met outside a convenience store in the technology zone, where they paid about 30 US dollars each, and then entered the motel for a day of swimming, chatting, bathing, eating and singing. The whole group counted 24 members, men and women, including six couples, the report said.
Next also mentions that Taiwan's laws against nudity are not valid when people are together naked out of sight from the public, i.e. inside homes or hotels. For the time being, no change is on the cards, and nude beaches will be hard to accept in a country with a strong sensationalist media, a conservative attitude toward the human body, and no tradition of sunbathing and suntans.
The blog where Rong-rong and A-Wan recruit new members and publish their naturist activities is at http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!N3iFwWyeER7J1uNUQhgxcw--/guestbook?page=10